Roshan Dahal Blind Date Director Biography and Journey

Roshan Dahal was born on February 13 in Kathmandu, Nepal. He is an Actor, Singer, and Director of the blind date show.

Roshan Dahal
Name  Roshan Dahal
Birth Date  February 13
Education  Graduate
Hobbies  Singing
Profession  Director 
Relationship  N/A
Birthplace  Kathmandu, Nepal
Income  Rs. 1 lakh

Roshan Dahal Journey

Today, He becomes successful what he got a lesson from the past. In Past, Roshan Dahal was very interested in singing. He had made songs like OneDay and Junkiri but failed on that. After some years, he had decided to make a comedy-type video but he again failed on it. Who knows god has another plan for him.

After some years, He came back and released a blind date show. The show's content goes viral on the internet and gets popularity among people.

The struggle and patient in his life made him successful in his life. Not a Blind blind makes him a successful person. The Determination of his work and the Don't give up mentality may help you to inspire to step forward in life.

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